For Those About to Rock: Top 8 Favorite Bands
As I mentioned the other day, I'm a bit of a Classic Rock junkie. Not the 80s "hair band" stuff. (I leave that to my husband, who graduated in 1986 and came by his love of The Scorpions and White Snake naturally.) As Homer Simpson famously stated, "Everyone knows Rock reached perfection in 1974." Yeah, that's about right.
Now remember, I'm not a fan of the people in these bands. Nor am I a fan of much of what the bands represent. With a few very limited exceptions, I'm a fan of their songs, and that's about it. It's about the music, Baby!
This list is in order, but the order changes without warning. What's at the end of the list today may be at # 3 tomorrow. The top two are pretty steady, though. You don't own every album by a band and not put them at the top of your favorite band list. That would just be weird.
So without any further ado, Gina's Top 8 Favorite Bands:
1.) Led Zeppelin
2.) The Beatles
3.) The Eagles
4.) The Doors
5.) Creedence Clearwater Revival
6.) CSN (and sometimes Y) -- that's Crosby Stills and Nash (and Young) for you whippersnappers
7.) The Rolling Stones
8.) Santana
Feel free to disagree with me. I'll have to disown you, but I'm sure I'll survive.
(P.S. Special thanks to Rush, who did more for my music education than repeated viewings of every VH1's Behind the Music ever could. But I didn't need to know that thing about the shark.)
oh, can't go with you on rush... getty lee (or gheti li for all i know) just sounds weird to me.
on a related note... we need to get together and bring along the misters. mine graduated in 86 as well. we would never run out of things to laugh about with all of the mutual making fun.
rebecca marie, at 2:41 PM
Oh wait. I wasn't talking about the band Rush. I liked them okay once upon a time, but they've been getting on my last nerve lately (way overplayed here). I was talking about my friend, nicknamed Rush, who has impeccable taste in music (and friends) and is a font of useful information. And a cool dude all-around. Some of you regular posters might know him as brianrusherismadcrazyatsignification.
If we ever get out of Purgatory (Boise), we'll definitely have to have a meeting of the misters. Although Steve doesn't take too kindly to the level of mockery that I'm prone to. (His family wasn't as much fun as mine. When they teased, they meant it.)
Unknown, at 2:55 PM
First, the Brian formerly known as Rush is a triple threat, he is mad crazy at Rock knowledge, can nerd it up with me in the lit-crit/biblical studies fields (or he is really good at pretending, no difference to me) and . . . okay, so he's a double threat, but that doesn't sound as good.
Second, if I ever get out of Purgaboise, I'm going to Taco House.
Unknown, at 11:03 PM
Now you definitely need to meet my nephew. He could sing all the words to "Down on the Corner" at age 2.
Jason Hill, at 3:01 AM
Gina, Ken says you have great taste in music for a youngin :)
ps. I agree with him
dodyb, at 12:41 PM
Beatles and Aerosmith...
Best. Bands. Ever...
If you don't agree I will fight you!
Jess, at 12:31 AM
oh, i love that misunderstanding. it makes me happy.
rebecca marie, at 4:02 PM
Jess, I knew you were cool! Aerosmith would have been on my list (along with either Queen or U2, or maybe Lynyrd Skynyrd or Pink Floyd) if it was a Top 10 rather than a Top 8.
Dody, please tell Ken I'm flattered. Really. See, I think I have impeccable taste in music, so it's nice to have my lofty opinions validated. Hee hee! My tastes do tend to shock the uninitiated. I used to work with this grumpy middle-aged guy who wouldn't give me the time of day till he spotted the pile of CDs on my desk. After that, we were kindred spirits. And I'm pretty sure I once got a promotion because the Head Tech Writer found out I liked old-school Jefferson Airplane. She was the definition of cool: an "old" hippy who saw The Beatles singing (in German) in Hamburg before they hit it big and who baby-sat for the original lead singer of Jefferson Airplane (her kids, not Signey).
Jason, I think I need to adopt this nephew of yours. He sounds like the coolest. Is he old enough to come to 3rd & 4th grade camp at Yamhill? When he is, he's going to be my favorite (but don't tell anyone because we're not supposed to have favorites).
Unknown, at 10:30 AM
Had I known that you were a filthy butt rocker, our relationship would have progressed much differently. But I won't judge you on your musical "taste"... I mean... you were born in ... what... 69? 70? So really it's not your fault. I blame society.
arwen, at 12:30 PM
(it's not really butt rock, but I'm sure you know that. I like most of those groups too, so I'm just as bad.)
arwen, at 12:32 PM
Arwen, sadly, you are dead to me. I'll miss you.
Unknown, at 3:39 PM
Rush, you'll notice I only listed BANDS, not individual artists. This is because I am greedy and indecisive, and I plan to do a list of my Top 8 favorite solo artists sometime in the near future. That way I get to list more favorites.
And you'll get full approval from me on 6 of your 10. I bet you already know the ones I wouldn't put on my favorites list. (Although, in all fairness, none of them would land below 50 in the list of bands I like.)
P.S. I know you like the shark story. You perv.
Unknown, at 5:15 PM
1. Wait a minute, you didn't name shark dog after that story, did you? I thought he was named after the Eek the Cat character.
b. I guess I'll have to devote more time to Radiohead.
third, I like U2, but Bonno is a poser; I like RHCP, but their rap is a world of pain; The Police? . . . Really? . . . I mean, they do have some great stuff, but they have more mediocre stuff than Journey and Boston combined . . . okay, okay, I take it back, I know that your taste is too good for me to go THAT far . . . I only know that I hate the song Roxanne with a burning passion that makes McJagger's VD look cold.
Unknown, at 10:23 PM
whatever. you can't escape the joy that is my face.
arwen, at 12:56 AM
Gina, I never knew you had the classic rock love in you. Ok, to be fair, I never really knew you. I mean, we've met, and I'm pretty sure we went to Cascade together, but whatever. The point is, my dad would be proud of your top 8.
Speaking of Butt Rock, has anyone been paying attention to the station change on 107.5? (Anyone in Portland, that is.) It's now All Butt Rock, All The Time! That may not be the real name, but that's what they play! I even heard a song by Great White the other day. Wait, wasn't someone just talking about sharks? Spooky.
RoniZee, at 10:51 AM
Your DAD would approve of my list? I think Roni just called me an old fogey!
And what is this Butt Rock of which you speak? Is it the hair band dreck that came out of the 80s? Poison, Stryper, Def Leppard? Because, YUCK! That is NOT Classic Rock. That is 80s hair band cat vomit. If headbands and synthesizers were involved, it isn't Classic Rock.
Rush, I did wonder what happened to the Foo love. And you're right about Sting. He maybe hot for an old guy, but his ego is bigger than is mansion. Even a walking ego like Bono is smart enough to dance with the band who brung him (as they say in The Sticks).
Unknown, at 11:06 AM
I'm starting to feel unbearably guilty about the fact that I accidentally omitted Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, and I would like to amend my list to put them in the #8 spot. This is one of those times when I wish I had a Top 20 List, because I heard "Black Magic Woman" on the radio (a blessed relief amongst all the Butt Rock, if I've correctly identified the genre) and it doesn't feel right to bump Santana from my list. Seriously, who can sit still when "Oye Como Va" starts playing.
I also want to clarify that I have a few bands that would have made it to the list if I wasn't trying to keep the list strictly Classic Rock. Most notably Great Big Sea. If you haven't heard of them, go look them up and LISTEN TO THE CLIPS, Road Rage is my favorite. Seriously. They're very different, but in a good way. They put out the best live albums (and I don't even LIKE live albums--too much yelling, distorts the music) AND they are by FAR the best live show I've ever experienced. And I've been to some wicked shows.
Unknown, at 11:15 AM
You are totally right about the definition of Butt Rock, and yes, it does suck. HOWEVER, as much as it sucks, you (or maybe just I) have to love it when it comes on the radio. You better believe that when a Butt Rock Ballad by Warrant comes on the radio, this girl will be belting it out with all her might. It's all about remembering 8th grade.
And of course my DAD would be proud, all that lovely classic rock came out during his hey day(hay day? haadaa?). I also love it, but I was not alive when most of it came into being.
RoniZee, at 11:26 AM
As quoted in the intro to my list, "Everybody knows Rock reached perfection in 1974." I was born in 1974. Coincidence? I think not!
Unknown, at 11:52 AM
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