Talking to Ralph on the Big White Phone: Top 8 Synonyms for Vomitting
Okay, so I know I said that the Top 8 would be a Friday thing, but I'm going to be on a plane most of the day Friday--and the last thing I want to do when I wake up at 4 o'clock on Friday morning is sit in front of the computer. So this Top 8 is better early than never!
I freely admit that I stole this idea from doppelganger over at Great blog, by the way--definitely worth checking out.
So my friends, I'm curious to hear your favorite words/phrases for vomitting. I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours...
1.) Technicolor yawn
2.) Yack
3.) Hurl
4.) Losing my lunch
5.) Blow chunks
6.) Spew
7.) Tossing my cookies
8.) Chunder
I won't be checking in till Wednesday, so you kiddies have plenty of time to finish your homework. (Wouldn't it have been cool if your teacher had let you write an Ode to Barf essay? Or am I just sick? Wait, don't answer that.)
whistle beef.
rebecca marie, at 9:24 AM
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