Introducing the Littlest Kortan
Yes, sir, that's my baby. (Well, "our" baby, but that's not how the song goes.) The munchkin is scheduled to make his or her big entrance on February 2, 2007. But since my Frost DNA is involved, chances are he/she won't be arriving on time.
To answer the most common questions:
1.) Yes, we'll be finding out the gender, assuming the baby cooperates. I can see the appeal of waiting and being surprised in the delivery room, but I'm not that patient. Besides, I'm a planner--and planning is much easier when you know what you're planning for. (Also, as my friend Rush says, "My life is enough of a joke as it is, I don't need to intentionally prank myself.") We don't care which gender we have first, but we really hope to have the opposite one the second time around.
2.) No, my morning sickness wasn't too bad at all. Got a little queasy when I let my stomach get too empty and felt more exhausted than usual, but I was pretty lucky overall. I hope that trend continues.
3.) Yes, we're excited. (Duh!) We've been waiting till Killer was close to retiring from the Air Force before we started our family. We wanted him to be able to be around for things like first smiles, first steps, and first words, not hearing about them in a weekly phone call from the Middle East. (We found out about the now-defunct transfer to Maryland 4 days after we found out I was pregnant. That was a fun way to spend my first trimester.¡)
4.) No, we won't be telling people the names we've picked out. We want it to be a surprise. Well, mostly, we want certain people (see last week's post), to keep their negative opinions to themselves. We think we've got a better chance of that happening if they don't hear the name till the ink is dry on the birth certificate and it's a done deal. Most rational people know that it's incredibly rude to insult the name new parents have given their baby (stupid celebrities excluded); but before it's born, everyone seems to think that they get a chance to try to change the parents' minds. For some reason, some people think they get a say in what we name the kid we're going to be raising. Hey, if they want to change all the diapers, clean up all the vomit, make all the trips to the ER, and pay for college, then maybe we'll let them have a vote. Otherwise, we'll promise not to name our baby Space Alien Kortan if they'll promise to keep it to themselves if they think the name we pick is too "weird." If they want to name something that badly, maybe they should get a kitten.
5.) Yes, we're sure it's not twins. As little brothers are contractually required to do, Ty was taunting me about it, so we asked the ultrasound technician to double-check. Not that twins wouldn't be twice as nice, but I'm pretty sure I'm too lazy to take care of twins. I like to sleep at least 5 minutes a night, it's a habit I just can't shake.
CONGRADULATIONS! I beleive that is an appropriate use of the exlamation point!
I almost was confused when i first saw the pic of the ultrasound, there are a few other friends who have posted theirs too and so I thought maybe I went to the wrong blog...
Anyways, that is super exciting for you guys and all I can say, is after reading Ty's last post... you may want to limit little Kortan's time with Uncle Ty...¡
Lisa, at 1:00 PM
HEY! Just because a kid hangs around with Ty doesn't mean the little tyke will have the sense to emulate him.
(That's a good malapropism: emulate/ immolate, don't confuse them)
Unknown, at 3:36 PM
Thanks, Lisa. And I believe that is, indeed, an appropriate use of an exclamation mark.
Also, you're probably right. But since Uncle Ty will be doing most of the cooking and cleaning and errand-running, I'll let him warp the munchkin all he wants and try to reverse the damage later. Besides, with Killer and me as parents, the poor kid doesn't stand much chance of being normal, no matter who he/she hangs with.
Unknown, at 3:38 PM
Oh, I" am SO EXCITED for my friend! I have a question though... odd, but a question non the less. Will you be letting people (strangers and non-strangers) be touching and talking to your belly?
I can;t wait to meet the little one! Have fun and document all the goods and bads in your special Gina way! I look forward to reading ALL about it!
Kara Deal, at 4:41 PM
Kara, thanks honey! I'll try to keep this from becoming a Baby Blog, but I'll keep you posted on the highlights.
As for your question, the very idea of having people, strangers or not, touching my belly gives me the squicks. Uh, no. Might be fine for some women, but it's not gonna fly with me. I'm just not comfortable with it. I think it's bizaare that people (particularly strangers, but everyone) suddenly think of a woman's stomach as Public Domain when she's pregnant. How is that okay?
If it's not okay for someone to touch my belly when I'm not pregnant, it's not okay for them to touch it when I am. Which means the list of people who are allowed to touch my belly whenever they want is comprised of 1) me, 2) Steve, 3) my doctor. Exceptions by special invitation (no begging!) only--and probably not often. If that makes other friends and family feel left out, I'm very sorry. But I'm the pregnant lady, and I'm supposed to get my way for the next few months. Being pregnant is uncomfortable enough, I don't need to add invasion of personal space to the list.
Unknown, at 5:10 PM
Oh, and Kara? Thank you for asking. Now there are a few people who will know not to "go for the belly." Hopefully that'll save me the awkwardness of having to tell people "Please don't touch my tummy." Although, I'm sure most of my blog friends have better manners than to touch someone's stomach without asking.
Unknown, at 5:34 PM
Yay for Gina and Steve! YAY!
I bet Grandma and Grandpa Frost are all too excited about the news!
Since I now know NOT to touch the belly...I can't wait to give you a congratulatory hug. Is that permissable?
Christi, at 6:26 PM
GREAT NEWS!!! Enjoy every little minute of this very strange hormonal seesaw you are riding on.
A small rabbit chase here: It is FQ time and you may or may not remember the little gifts we give out. Do I remember somewhere seeing/hearing that you work for some barristers? If not read no further. Well this year I am making Pardons. But I can't find the verbage. Help?????
dodyb, at 9:52 PM
let me tell you... you were putting off SUCH a pregnant vibe when i saw you, that it was all i could do at the columbia/cascade dinner, then again at camp not to ask you directly. i'm not even kidding, what you saw was self control at its finest. i had to settle for "soooo.... do you and steve want kiddo's someday?" which is a question i'm normally against, as i think it's intrusive.
anyway... i am super thrilled for you... welcome to life's greatest adventure!
rebecca marie, at 10:51 PM
Christi~ Thanks! Yep, hugs are not just permissible, they're expected. And Grammie and Granddad Frost are thrilled. Mom's been ready for grandkids since Ty was out of diapers.
Dody~ Thanks, I will! And I'll scout around for the verbiage, but I don't know how much luck I'll have, since we're in civil/ business law, not criminal.
RM~ So far, I think you're the only one who's suspected--and I was only like 7 or 8 weeks along then. You're freakin' prescient, you should have a show on Lifetime! I'm proud of you for showing restraint...although if you'd asked I would have admitted it. I try not to lie to people I like.
Angela~ I really like all of your kids' names, in fact one of them is on our short list (but probably won't get picked because we've got too many friends who've used it). But yeah, people are pretty pushy and dense about the name thing, so we're playing it close to the vest. And also, on what planet does Hadley sound like a boy's name?
As for the in-laws in Nampa too! Be sure to let me know when you're going to be in the valley and we'll meet up somewhere. That'd be fun! I'm so lonesome for friendly Portland faces out here.
P.S. I think Moxie Java is a silly name for a coffee shop, but I'm dying to name my next kitten Moxie. Or Pixie. Either one would annoy Steve to no end, so it's even MORE fun.
Unknown, at 9:31 AM
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! how fun. and scary. and exciting.
keep us updated!
tabitha jane, at 9:50 AM
Congratulations! Babies are the best, funniest, most time consuming, amazingly perfect things ever! What a blessing that you weren't very sick.
About the name thing I totally understand what you mean.
What are you anming your baby?
What? what did you say his name was?
Really for his first name?
(what I really wanted to say to this was "No I am going to change his last name to Jones))
Yes Jones is his first name.
Is that a family name or something?
No we just like it.
Are you going to call him that or does he have a different name?
No that is his name.
It actually got to where I couldn't wait to tell was fun seeing how many times in a row I could get the exact same scenerio (almost to the word).
It actually might not help once your baby is born, people might still say their opinions. We actually had someone 4 days after Jones was born tell us that we probably still had time to change his name if we wanted. (His initials are JEW and they thought that was appaling) People are opinionated and crazy...Yay for naming your baby what you want their bame to be! Congrats!
Jess, at 11:40 AM
Thanks, Tabs! And you're so right.
Jess, I thought you might know where I was coming from with the name thing. I'm glad you were able to have a sense of humor about it...some people are just so THICK about such things. (And I've gotta wonder what's so bad about JEW initials--Jesus was a Jew his whole life, you can tell 'em it's an homage.) It's funny, much as I enjoy mocking celebrities' baby name choices, I'm a lot more open to "different" names when it comes to people I actually like. And even though I'm really into the meanings of names, I'm fully aware and accepting of the fact that there aren't many people who care about the subject the way I do. Not everyone needs to be a name nerd, but it's nice when people accept that I am one.
It's not like our baby's name will be completely "off the reservation" bizaare. It's just probably not going to be in the Top 20 most popular...but that constitutes "too weird" for certain people. If someone says something rude about our choice after the baby arrives, I'm pretty sure I'll tell the baby (in the rude person's presence), "I'm sorry, Sweetie, but (rude person's name) doesn't like the name we worked so hard to choose for you. Don't worry, he/she probably still loves you anyway." I think that might get my point across. It'll make me feel better, anyway.
Unknown, at 12:30 PM
now that that is out of the way, last night at group someone said something about Gina's baby. "What the eff... Gina doesn't have a baby." this is what I said.
"Get a clue, Arwen..." Ryan said "read her blog and you'll know all."
I'm sorry we have been fighting lately. Ive been going a lot of places lately and I just don't want to fight anymore. You don't get DMony, and I don't get Cary Grant. We're even.
So, now that THAT is out of the way... in search of a GodMother???? Cause Rebecca Marie is disowning me from Cameron once I move... eh? any takers?
arwen, at 1:34 PM
Welcome back to my loving arms, Arwen. We don't need to drool over the same men in order to participate in a mutual admiration society.
As for godmotherhood, is that like being a Honorary Auntie? Because I want our munchkin(s) to have lots of those. And you'll get to be Auntie #1 because you asked first. So, of course! Yes, please! Just don't teach him/her any naughty words or you'll be the one meeting with the principle and the teacher.
Unknown, at 2:38 PM
what are you naming your him?
because it's the middle name of one of my husbands best friends and we like it.
what are you naming your daughter?
will you call her cammie?
no, and neither will you. if i wanted a daughter called cammie i'd name her cammie.
will you spell it kamryn?
but cameron is a boys name.
yes, she will be named after a boy, the middle name of my best friend, wade.
the preceding conversations are also known as "SHUT THE HECK UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS."
rebecca marie, at 5:26 PM
oh my word??!! im am so happy for you guys! i thought maybe i missed one of your blogs and this was old news, since it sounds like youre a few months along...but im glad to know that i am not the last one to know! i am so excited for you both right now, your tiny little peanut size baby will be in my prayers tonight!!
tara, at 6:33 PM
Becky, that would have both driven me crazy and cracked me up at the same time. I think you picked nice names for good reasons, and some people are just slow.
Tara, nope. You're among the first to know. I'm almost 3 1/2 months along, but I did my best to keep it on a need-to-know basis till the riskiest part of the pregnancy was past. Thanks for your prayers, we really appreciate it. I know you and Eric have been waiting a long time and I've been praying that God will bless you, too. And if you're interested, Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler is a really great resource if you're trying to maximize your chances. I thought I knew a lot on the subject, but this book was incredibly informative and helpful
Unknown, at 10:11 AM
And I think I should get some kind of compensation for keeping it to myself for so long while I'm so happy my face is too small to hold my smile!
God is good, and we are thankful.
Anonymous, at 10:22 PM
I would also like to add that the scorn baby's name gets pre and post birth is nothing compared to the scorn baby will issue at the onset of puberty.
That is no matter how nice the name, no matter what the name means, and no matter why the name was chosen.
This "heads up" is given free of charge, and with the disclaimer that not ALL middle schoolers despise their names. But most of the girls do.
I happen to LOVE the feminine name chosen and have yet to hear the masculine. I also happen to believe Gina has delightfully good taste in such matters.
Must be heredity. Or childhood environment.
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM
This is the best news and I was at camp this whole week and missed all of it until now!!! Super Duper congratulations to you Gina! You're going to LOVE being a mom! I am soooo very happy for you! pris
Priscilla, at 11:05 PM
Well, Sparky, since you're a cat and can't speak English, I don't think it was too hard for you to keep the secret. Though someday you will need to tell me how you learned to type...must be tough without opposable thumbs.
Thanks Pris! But I'm sure camp was worth waiting to hear the news. We're really looking forward to everything (except diapers and puberty).
Unknown, at 11:53 AM
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Sugoi dekai meaning, at 12:10 PM
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