Big News, Mixed Feelings
A few days ago Ty announced that something big had come up and he needed to take a break from blogging so he could concentrate on his thesis for a while. He said I'd explain, so I guess that means I should probably stop babbling about music from the 1970s and clarify things.
To those of you who probably should have learned this from a personal phone call or email, I apologize. I'm still pretty overwhelmed about all of this, and I can't bring myself to do the repetitive retelling that would be required if I couldn't use this method of mass-announcement. (It's kind of like breaking a leg or wrecking your car or falling off a cliff. Even if it's an interesting story, it gets a little traumatic to have to tell it a jillion times.)
Steve is being transferred. We thought he'd be retiring (and we'd be moving to the Portland/Vancouver area) in 11 1/2 months. Instead, we're going to be spending four years in Aberdeen, Maryland. Steve has been selected for a non-volunteer assignment as the supervisor of the "Schoolhouse." He'll be like the principle of the tech school where the aircraft maintainers learn all kinds of fancy new ways to keep jets from falling out of the sky.
The good news is:
- It's a safe, secure assignment--no deploying overseas, no long assignments in other states.
- Steve will have an excellent opportunity to finish his Bachelor's degree on the Air Force's dime and maybe even (some of it) on the Air Force's time.
- Having that degree should enable Steve to get a better civilian job than he could without it.
- When he retires in October of 2010 (yikes), our monthly retirement check will be more substantial. Extra-substantial if he gets an additional promotion before he gets out, which has now become possible.
- We might get to visit a few friends on our road trip to the East Coast. Oh, and this way the Air Force pays for the move out there AND for the move back west when he retires.
- Living in Maryland will make it easier and cheaper for us to travel along the eastern seaboard and explore the only section of our country that I haven't visited.
The bad news is:
- We just bought our big, beautiful house last fall. Selling it this summer means we're going to lose money on it. I've played absentee landlord before, and the thought of doing so again gives me hives, so renting it out is not an option.
- The cost of living on the East Coast is much higher than we're used to, and due to certain circumstances, I probably won't be looking for a job right away. We're going to be broke out there. We may not even have the cash to do the exploring that makes the move palatable, nor the frequent "back home" visiting that would keep me sane.
- I'm not very good at being a military wife--I have common sense and a mind of my own. Steve likes me that way, but Uncle Sam doesn't. Living 60 miles from base as we do now has kept this factor from mattering much. We're going to be much closer and more involved out there, so I'm either going to have to learn how to shut up and color, or I'm going to need to go on a Fake Nice pill. Actually getting on board the stupidity train is not an option.
- The thought of driving across the country with two miserable cats is my very own personal horror film come to life.
- I'm homesick. Have been since I left the Portland/Vancouver area in the fall of 2002. Now it's going to be four years, not one, till I get to move back. I'm afraid the friendships I've had to put on hold and the friendships I've been hanging on to by a thread are going to disintegrate if I'm gone another four years. I know I'm capable of making new friends, but I like the old ones!
- We're planning to start a family in the not-too-distant future. It breaks my heart to think of raising my babies a continent away from their grandparents. Even if it is temporary, it still stinks.
Ty is working on his thesis so he'll be freed up to a) help get ready to sell the house and move, and b) be able to look for a job so he can help mitigate the financial hardships living in a more expensive area is going to create. He is a very good brother, and I think if I had to do this without him I'd be in full meltdown mode for the next four years.
When I posted a while back about being swamped and distracted and unable to participate in the blogmunity as much as I'd like, I didn't even know about this Maryland business yet. You can probably guess that my posting (and more importantly, my ability to read and comment on other blogs) is going to be pretty sporadic for a while. Just know that this hurts me more than it hurts you.
we only just re-kindled... so no worries here, friend. lots of prayers for sanity, and a promise of continued friendship, for sure.
dreadful sorry, clementine.
rebecca marie, at 2:32 PM
Thanks, RM. I appreciate it--and an extra prayer or two is always helpful.
It occurs to me that this blogging business will be super-handy for keeping in touch. If I can convince other friends to read/join, that is.
Unknown, at 3:06 PM
Aw, that's a major bummer for us in Port/Van, too! But Maryland... there are possibilities there, my friend. Definitely interesting possibilities.
I'll be praying for your stress-handling abilities as well....
Lindsey, at 5:49 PM
Gee that sucks. Sorry. My brother is in the military, which means that my sister-in-law has to be a military wife. I don't think I could ever do it. But I'm glad that somebody is up to it. The cool thing is, anyone from Portcouver who happens to be traveling over there now has a place to stay. Then you could like show us around and take us to all the cool places!
Jess, at 10:30 PM
Just remember, Gina, that there is a whole big picture that we can't see! And its only 4 years, which seems like a long time at first, but in the whole big picture of life, it will be a great experience for you and your husband and future kids. Who knows what God is preparing for you!
Lisa, at 9:42 AM
Thanks for the support, ladies. It's true, there is going to be a lot of stress and hassle in the short term, but there is a lot of potential for good stuff, too.
And it would be GREAT if people who've been thinking of visiting the Capitol could do it while we're out there. We'd get a taste of home, and you/they would get a bed and a built-in tour guide.
Unknown, at 9:54 AM
Considering that he will be in a "normal" job and that deployments won't be a factor it could be worse.
We (your friends) will be here when you get back. This just means that we will be a little older, and a little greyer when we meet again.
Anonymous, at 11:14 AM
Yeah, it is definitely nice that it's a very safe, secure assignment.
Sanderson, we're actually going to be at an Army base, so there's a teensy chance you might need to come out for training or something. I realize the chance is still incredibly slight, but I'll still keep my fingers crossed.
Unknown, at 11:44 AM
-insert giant sad face here-
you do realize that this means that you must come over... even for a short day or two? I feel like we're best friends or something... I'll be sad without you in Boise. :( But the good news is good. As long as you keep in mind that it is only temporary, it will not be so bad. Who knows, maybe you'll even like it!
-insert another sad face with a tiny little tear by the right eye here-
arwen, at 1:01 PM
Aw! Thanks Arwen! I'm hugging your neck telepathetically.
We're going to be in Portland the weekend (after camp) before the 4th of July and again on the weekend of August 12th (for a wedding). Maybe we'll be able to squeeze in a visit. Time is going to be tight, though. We promised to visit my woefully neglected aunts, and I have 3 or 4 friends with new babies who I absolutely have to see--I'm not one to pass up the chance to cuddle a new baby! But even though I'm VERY popular, I'd still like another chance to hang with you Arwen. Because your rock, and that's a fact.
Unknown, at 1:51 PM
Giiiinnaaaa... You have to seee the baaaaabbyy!
I may not be here that late in August (infact, though I love it, i think we all know why I am praying that I am not...) Even if we just sit around and do nothing, I would like to see you... e-mail me your address... I will have something to send you pretty soon. Something to ease the pain... and something to show you who I really am...
arwen, at 6:13 PM
Oh, my dear friend. I have so much to say (what's new) and I don't want to bore you with most of it. But I once moved with my family to a far away place. Far from ALL other family. But that's when I met you, Ty, Jen, Tara, Ryan, Jess, Jeb, Chelan, Lisa, and many others who have been instrumental part of who I am today. I live among the folks now, that I could have easily turned into, and I praise God for Him having a faithful plan for my life. An AWESOME youth minister and wife, who continue to minister through me today, an Mommy and Daddy that have changed hearts and values, and a sister who was encouraged to be herself, not what "the world" needed her to be!
I say all of that to say, "Oh, the plans he has for you my dear." May you rest in his faithfulness and be open to what he wants to teach you!
(Oh... look at that. I bored you anyway! Opps, my bad!) I love you and you will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Kara Deal, at 10:34 PM
Arwen, I can't seem to find your email address. I could have sworn I knew where it was, but nope! Dang it! Do you still have my email? Or Ty's? If not, KayDub has our home address in his Renovatus mailing list, maybe you can get it from him? I just hate posting my email address on the blog because I don't want freaks like Raj to have it. (Hee hee hee!)
Kara, Thanks for that little reminder. I know (theoretically) that there is a lot of positive potential in this move. It's just that all of the immediate stress and difficulty is blocking my view of the possibilities. Once we're there, I think my attitude will improve--this will be my forth move (and second long-distance) move in five years, and that's not helping anything. Because as we all know, moving sucks.
And just so you know, Miss Kara, all of us Portcouver people are dredfully glad you didn't get stuck in Texas your whole life. I know my life is better because you came our way, and I know I'm not the only one.
Unknown, at 11:10 AM
Sweet Gina,
God has never let me make plans either. Anytime I find myself trying to make one I can hear Him laughing sweetly & saying, "That would be really nice Wendy but I have a little something else in mind." I just love that He has the control since we know that He always has our best interest at heart! Knowing all that I'm sure dulls the pain of this move a little bit but I know this is still hard, so I promise to pray for comfort for you & your family. And I'm another one of your friend's for eternity. Don't think you can get rid of us so easily! Love you! wen
Mathias and Craig Families, at 11:30 AM
Thanks, Wen. You're such a sweetie pie! It's nice to know you'll always love me just like I'll always love you, no matter what. Not that it was in question, but it's still nice to hear it. Do you realize that we met each other 20 summers ago this month? That officially makes you one of my oldest, dearest friends.
Oh, and we're going to be living 50 miles or so from where you and Will were when you were in the DC area. You'll have to give me some tips on sites to see, things to do, and places to eat! =)
Unknown, at 12:11 PM
You'll be in my prayers Gina. Sorry I didn't post sooner I've been a bad blogger lately.
Trey Laminack, at 9:36 AM
Thanks, Trey. (I'm flattered you're still checking in with me from time to time--I know you're a busy man.)
The way we've got the cross-country trip planned, it looks like we're going to be able to drop in for a visit. It will probably be in late September or early October, and we think we'll be staying in the Dallas/Fort Worth area before heading to Abilene to retrieve Ty's stuff from storage. We'll get in touch when the dates are a little firmer.
Unknown, at 11:14 AM
arwen, your baby is breathtaking.
rebecca marie, at 1:45 PM
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