I Really Didn't Want to Hear That!
I found out at my doctor's appointment this morning that I have a couple of symptoms of pre-eclampsia. That means I get to spend all day tomorrow and a good share of Thursday doing tests and being monitored and fun stuff like that. I would really appreciate your prayers for peace/calm, patience, rational thinking, and faith. And, you know, for the symptoms to go away and never come back!
Since I'm so far along, TANK's development isn't a concern. He's ready to enter the world whenever the doctors and God decide he should. That makes it a lot easier for me to handle the whole thing, since there's every indication he should be a healthy little guy and I don't need to worry about him too much. But if I do have pre-eclampsia, chances are I'm looking at bedrest or induction (forcing labor to start before it would naturally, for those of you who have never been knocked up). Neither of those options are particularly appealing--bedrest sounds great (at first) to a lazy couch potato like me, but even I get restless after a while. And induction makes labor much more painful, longer, and more likely to need other interventions like epidurals and C-sections, both of which I'd REALLY like to avoid. I mean, I can be tough when the situation calls for it, but I don't want to have to be any tougher than is absolutely necessary! =P
Please pray for me and Steve and TANK and the rest of the family over the next few days...mostly that we won't worry too much, and that whatever happens, we all come out of this as healthy and unscathed as possible.
Thanks, Blog Friends! You rock!
if bedrest is ordered... please please please obey. i didn't listen when i had pre-eclampsia with the he-spawn, and i labored for over 22 hours then had a c-section. we will never know if bed rest would have changed that... but i believe that it would have. had a treated my body better, it would have labored more easily. i'm just sure of it.
as far as the prayer goes? i'm on it.
rebecca marie, at 1:03 PM
Yup. You got it kid. Praying... right... NOW!
Love you, KK
Kara Deal, at 2:53 PM
I would like to tell you not to worry, but that's all you do when you are pregnant. I was induced 3 weeks early due to some of the same issues you are probably having (and I had the several non-stress tests too.) I was able to deliver sans C-section and 8 months later here were are, and I can hardly remeber the whole birthing thing -- really. You will be in my thoughts.
Karen Smith
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM
I will pray for a healthy momma and a healthy TANK!
Priscilla, at 11:24 AM
im defanitly praying. gods in control!
tara, at 12:11 PM
Thanks, ladies. I appreciate all the reassurance and support. You're the best.
Right now I'm back at work after a morning of monitoring at the hospital. I'm sort of in "take it easy" limbo until they get the final test results--probably tomorrow afternoon. The good news is that my blood pressure was much lower today than it was on Tuesday. The not-so-reassuring news is that TANK didn't react well to a contraction (that I didn't even notice) while I was being monitored, and his heart rate dropped at least 40 points and they had to put me on oxygen for a while. So that's a little worrisome. But his heart rate did recover quickly, and they let me leave about an hour later, so it couldn't have been too terrible, right?
I'd love it if you'd keep the prayers coming. No matter what the test results are, a few extra prayers will be appreciated till we have our little guy in our arms. Of course, we'll still need 'em after that, too...but one step at a time!
Unknown, at 1:51 PM
prayers, you got em. Be peaceful and all will be well.
Some good news I think??? My mon had toximia (same as pre-eclampsia)and was on bed rest for 6 weeks. The good news...I turned out just fine :)
dodyb, at 2:11 PM
Dody, is that supposed to be REASSURING? Hee hee! I was going to try to tease you about how you turned out, but I'm giggling too much. You know I love your guts!
Unknown, at 3:21 PM
The way I feel about induction with the first baby, is that you have no idea it should go any other way. So it may hurt more, but you have nothing to compare it to...is that reassuring? I was induced with Jones, and I don't view my labor at extremely awful (more so than just regular)or anything. Just get an epidural as soon as you get tired out...then you will feel like you are ready to party. (seriously epidurals rock my world!!)
I will pray for you and little TANK, everything is so scary when you are pregnant. The good news is YOU ARE ALMOST DONE! Yeah...new baby here we come!!
Jess, at 10:00 AM
That's a really good point, Jess. It's not like I'd have anything to compare it to, so I won't know if it's super-bad.
As for an epidural, I'll get one if I absolutely have to, but I REALLY hope to avoid it. The very idea of a needle in my spine squicks me out like nothing has squicked me out before. And I don't want to be stuck in the bed--that would make me annoyed and anxious, and I want to be able to shower as soon as possible after the baby comes--because I'm vain. (And my friend Kathy's friend died from complications from an epidural, so that's pretty freaky.) It's not that I'm trying to be all tough and noble and Wonder Woman-y, it's that I'm wimpy in an odd way. But I won't be stupid--if I really need one, I'll get one. I just hope I don't need one.
I had about an hour and a half of 5-minutes-apart contractions last night. But they weren't strong or painful, and they went away by the time we needed to decide if we should go in to the hospital. I guess that means I'm getting close! Fourteen days till my due date....but I'm starting to seriously doubt I'll make it that far.
Unknown, at 11:22 AM
Hate to burst the bubble.
But I had contractions like that for 5 months with Lisa. But since you are only a couple of weeks away you probably won't have them that long :)
dodyb, at 12:52 PM
No bubble-bursting happening here, Dodes. I'm not sick of being pregnant yet, since I've had it so easy and I'm not particularly uncomfortable. Financially, it would be fantastic if TANK would show up a week late...means I get a LOT more money out of my 401k and I don't have to go back to work. But since that would be ideal, I don't think he'll cooperate!
Unknown, at 1:16 PM
oh! gooooood for you! i am so proud for you that you want to do it au naturale! YOU CAN DO IT!
rebecca marie, at 2:56 PM
Thanks! (I'm a little tired of people looking at me like I'm crazy when I mention it.) Although I must say it again, my reasons for wanting to go natural aren't particularly praise-worthy...it just seems like it will be quicker and easier to recover from. If an epidural didn't freak me out and if they didn't have a tendancy to slow down labor and make the baby sluggish, I'd totally go for one. I'm no saintly earth mother type--this just seems more expedient to me.
UPDATE: I just heard from my doctor regarding the results of the last test. My blood pressure levels were good, but there was a little more protein than what they like to see, which can be an indicator of pre-eclampsia. So far, I don't have the other symptoms (swelling, headaches, chest pain), which seems like a good sign. Anyway, I have to go back in to the hospital tomorrow afternoon for more monitoring. We'll see how it goes. I'll let you know if I find out anything definitive.
Thanks for all of the prayers and encouragement!
Unknown, at 4:12 PM
you rock. your family is gonna rock this one hard-core. i just know it.
prayers and hugs your way . . .
tabitha jane, at 11:57 PM
i don't care what his name is. I'm calling him Tank. And if it costs me our friendship, so be it. Jess has gotten used to me calling Jones "Ponser" as well as "Jewjew Bee" and soon, my brother will get used to me calling Sara my Tiny Little Baby Butt. You too will come around.
arwen, at 4:22 PM
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