T-Minus 3 Days and Counting
After going to the doctor's office or hospital 4 times in the last 6 days, it has been determined that due to my mild case of pre-eclampsia and the evidently whopping size of TANK (rapidly approaching 9 pounds according to today's ultrasound--YIKES!), I'm going to have this kid no later than Thursday. It's kind of strange, since I still feel fine and I'm not even waddling around like I'm about to pop. You'd think I'd be sick of being pregnant by now, but during the times I'm not trying to haul myself off the super-cushy couch or out of bed, I generally forget that I'm roughly the size of an office building. I think most people who see me feel a lot sorrier for me than I feel for myself--that NEVER happens with me, I'm usually my own best sympathizer!
Anyway, if I don't go into labor before 7 am on Thurday, January 25, then they're going to induce me. I'm not thrilled, because when they induce with intravenous Pitocin you have to be hooked to monitors and IVs for the entire labor. I'm fidgety by nature, especially when I'm uncomfortable or in pain, so it's going to be frustrating and difficult for me to be stuck in a bed when I'd rather be squirrelling around finding a more comfortable position. (HA! As if there is a comfortable position!)
So here's the plan: everybody pray really hard that I go into labor on my own sometime today or tomorrow...Wednesday at the latest. I really, really, really want to avoid the whole IVs and constant monitoring thing! So please pray your hardest that TANK will have a mind of his own and thumb his nose at the scheduled induction.
P.S. I know I promised pregnant Gina pictures a long time ago. I took some at Thanksgiving that I've been meaning to post, but my IT guy has been out of town. I'll try to take some more tonight and get them posted before TANK arrives. It kind of depends on how busy I keep Uncle Ty with other chores...
I am sure you are getting tired of "when I gave birth..." stories, but wanted you to know that I was induced and was able to walk around up until the pushing part. Even got to hang out in the whirlpool for an hour or so (HIGHLY recomend this if you have the oportunity!) The induction was kind of slow, started at 7 am one morning didn't really progress much and they broke my water the next. I only had one day's notice before my induction and freaked out. I can only imagine having a few days to think about it, but the exciting part is knowing that by this weekend you will have your peanut. I wish for you a speedy and as painless as possible labor.
Karen S
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
Man, I really hope they'll let me do that stuff! (And you should hope so, too, or I'll be mighty jealous!) All of the classes I've had so far indicate that they make you stay hooked to the monitors at all times if you're on IV Pitocin, but I hope to discover that they just talk tough but they're really more relaxed when it comes down to it.
Thanks for the good wishes and encouragement. (It's nice to know you rock as much as you always did--I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to reply to your email--I hope I can steal some time soon...)
Unknown, at 1:48 PM
When I gave birth......oh wait. Nevermind.
Here's hoping and praying all goes well and that your kid will make a break for it early!
RoniZee, at 1:57 PM
Father God, please be with Gina and her baby! Please calm fears and nerves, and Father please give her the peace and boldness that only you can give. God, thank you for TANK and please help TANK to stay safe and healthy.
Thank you for your faithfulness, thank you for your love, and thank you for being the creator and author of all that is good.
I love you and will be thinking about you and praying for you! Keep us updated!
Kara Deal, at 2:04 PM
Thanks, you guys! It's so nice knowing so many great people have got my back. You rock!
Unknown, at 3:04 PM
Oh Gina, I'm so excited for you! You'll absolutely be in my thoughts & prayers.
As long as your BP behaves you should be able to get up and wander around while attached to the Pit drip, after the first hour of monitoring. If you have a yoga ball, TAKE IT. Sitting on that ball and leaning forward onto the bed will be a relief on your back. A long tube sock (stripes optional) filled with rice that can be microwaved is awesome as well.
Good luck, my Queen!!!
Meg, at 7:15 PM
When I was induced I walked, whirlpooled, and yoga balled it the first 10 hours or so. I agree with Meg...the yoga ball is the way to go.
I will pray for you right now.
I can't wait to see pictures of little TANK! (And to hear his name finally!)
Jess, at 9:07 PM
I will be praying for you and TANK! You are going to be a great mommy! The name TANK has kind of grown on me and it might be hard to adjust to you calling him something else. :) It is so fun reading your blog! Love you!
Suzanne, at 11:04 PM
im sorry to say that i may end up being a little disappointeds with TANKs real name...weve been calling him tank for so long...its like, why dont you guys start calling me judy. it doesnt work. but i pray that it will.
tara, at 6:41 AM
You guys are making me feel a little more hopeful about the induction thing--maybe all that "staying in bed to be monitored" stuff is just worst-case scenario stuff meant to scare us away from "convenience inductions." Or maybe Idaho is two decades behind the times. (Sadly, that seems the most likely.)
As for calling TANK "TANK" after you know the name on his birth certificate, I suppose I was asking for it. And I suppose, as nicknames go, it's a pretty cool one. So while I'd rather that he doesn't spend his life answering to the name of a military vehicle, it's not like I'll stop speaking to you if you forget and call him TANK. (But he might.)
Unknown, at 9:24 AM
I am hoping that you have been tricking us all along and that his real name will actually be TANK. Even with all caps.
I'm going to pray that his name is really TANK.
RoniZee, at 10:45 AM
Sorry, Roni. That prayer will not be getting a "yes" answer.
The only similarities between TANK and his real name are the second initial, the two middle name thing (can't wait to hear from my in-laws about how we're ruining our kid's life by giving him two middle names), and the fact that his initials will spell something. (Spelling something wasn't really part of the plan, but Steve got final call on the way the names are arranged, and it just happened to spell something the way he arranged 'em.)
Are you all tantalized and stuff?
Unknown, at 12:29 PM
laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*laborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlaborlabor *gasp*
do it now.
arwen, at 3:54 PM
Steven Ian Norton Kortan.
oh wait... that doesn't fit...
I wanted to put Steven Timothy Andrew Norton Kortan, but... thats too many. I just want your son's name to be Tank. and if it's not, I want it to be Stank. Or Stunk. Perhaps Stink? You konw what his favorite story will be....
arwen, at 3:57 PM
Arwen, I really like the name Ian, but I can promise you it will never show up on a birth certificate for one of my kids--it would be a little unseemly to name my son after my most significant ex-boyfriend.
I can also promise you that my kid's initials will not be a form of the verb "to stink."
And his name isn't going to be Thomas, so maybe we can avoid that obsession.
Unknown, at 4:19 PM
Benjamin Allen Chucky Kortan
Then when you sing the song "Baby Got Back", you will be singing about your actual baby.
Benjamin Allen Nicholas Kortan
Then when you go into labor you will be "making BANK".
RoniZee, at 4:39 PM
Dang it! (Slaps forehead) Why didn't I think of that! (Too lazy to go fetch myself a sarcasm mark, but you get the idea.)
Unknown, at 4:57 PM
It's baby day! Good luck, Gina! Be kind to Mommy, TANK!
Meg, at 7:34 AM
Have you had your baby yet?
How about now?
What about now?
RoniZee, at 10:31 AM
i guess you're pushing as i type this... praying hard for the three kartans...
rebecca marie, at 10:35 PM
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