My Dad the Prankster, Part 6
One Halloween, Dad left campus really early in the morning to go to work. But before he left, he put Jack O' Lanterns on three of the toilets in the Ladies' Room in the Ad Building.
One Halloween, Dad left campus really early in the morning to go to work. But before he left, he put Jack O' Lanterns on three of the toilets in the Ladies' Room in the Ad Building.
Steve got a call this evening from a headhunter/staffing agency type guy who was really impressed with his resume and wanted to talk to him about finding him a welding job in the Portland area. As he was finishing up the conversation, his call waiting beeped in with a call from a company in Newberg that is interested in interviewing him for a job welding big old thermal something or other units. I think it's called Harris Work or something like that. Anyone heard of it?
Isn't it weird when you go over a month and hear nothing from any of the places you've applied to, and then two opportunities practically trip all over each other to get to you?
We should find out tomorrow afternoon/evening when and if Steve will be going out to Newberg to interview. It sounds like the other guy doesn't necessarily have anything specific lined up but he'll be doing some checking with his clients/contacts. I'll do my best to keep you updated as we find out more.
Will you please pray that God will make the right direction obvious to us? And that if Steve gets hired somewhere in the Portland area, that a good solution to our house selling/double household having dilemma will present itself. We really need to sell our house...and while we have had a few calls in the last few weeks, the only person who's even come to see the place was a realtor whose clients evidently weren't interested enough to want a tour. It only takes one buyer if it's the right buyer--is one too much to ask?