Bennett's Birthday
My precious baby is turning ONE today.
I can hardly believe it's been a whole year!
It feels like just a blink ago that we brought him home from the hospital in his fuzzy red sleepers. Somehow in the time it took for me to blink, he turned into a walking, talking, singing, pointing, clapping, laughing, learning, kissing, hugging, eating, sleeping, discovering, loving little person.
I wish you guys could be around him and see how charming and energetic and affectionate he is. I know proud mommies always say stuff like this, but he really is the most amazing little monkey. Part of me wants to freeze him at this age and keep him just as he is, all cuddly and adorable and sweet. But the other part of me knows that there are so many precious things that he will learn and do and say in the coming months and years that it would be silly to want him to stop growing up.
God really knew what he was doing when he sent Bennett our way. He's a keeper, that one.
God really knew what he was doing when he sent Bennett our way. He's a keeper, that one.