... but I gave up laziness for Lent.
As I never have been and never will be Catholic, I don't need to observe Lent. I've chosen to participate for the last 3 years because I think the idea of spending 40 days trying to make oneself a better person is pretty keen. The nice thing is, not being Catholic, I don't have to deal with the world famous Guilt if I happen to lapse in my lenten observance. (I just realized that I don't know if I'm using the lingo properly--anyone who is fluent in Catholic-ese can let me know if I'm mangling the verbiage.) Still, I'm trying to make sure that the absence of crushing Guilt doesn't allow me to rationalize falling back into my laying- on- the- couch- watching- bad- TV- instead- of- doing- something- useful - with- my- time habit.
I confess I slipped a bit yesterday--which was a bad day to slip, considering Monday is the only weekday when the utter dearth of decent TV shows on the schedule rivals Saturday afternoon's spectaularly slim pickings. But I did tend to a couple of household chores--and that's a good sight better than majority of my most recent (pre-Lent) days, so I think it still counts.
The reason I gave up laziness for Lent is a) Sloth is my favorite of the Seven Deadly Sins, and thus it was the most challenging to sacrifice; b) I don't indulge in any of the most popular vices, so the standard list of alcohol, gambling, smoking, and/or cheating on my spouse didn't give me much to choose from; and c) I'm tired of going up an entire dress size every year, and I figured that altering my epically sedentary lifestyle might help reverse the trend. So would avoiding all those boxes of Girl Scout Cookies I ordered in the doldrums of January, but that's just not realistic. Frankly, I'm impressed that most of the boxes are still unopened almost 5 days after their arrival.
I'm hoping that all that propaganda about "it takes three weeks to establish a good habit" is true, and that by the time Easter rolls around, I will have become Officially Less Sedentary. And maybe Officially Less Fluffy, too. I mean, miracles still happen, right?