For Those About to Rock: Top 8 Favorite Bands
As I mentioned the other day, I'm a bit of a Classic Rock junkie. Not the 80s "hair band" stuff. (I leave that to my husband, who graduated in 1986 and came by his love of The Scorpions and White Snake naturally.) As Homer Simpson famously stated, "Everyone knows Rock reached perfection in 1974." Yeah, that's about right.
Now remember, I'm not a fan of the people in these bands. Nor am I a fan of much of what the bands represent. With a few very limited exceptions, I'm a fan of their songs, and that's about it. It's about the music, Baby!
This list is in order, but the order changes without warning. What's at the end of the list today may be at # 3 tomorrow. The top two are pretty steady, though. You don't own every album by a band and not put them at the top of your favorite band list. That would just be weird.
So without any further ado, Gina's Top 8 Favorite Bands:
1.) Led Zeppelin
2.) The Beatles
3.) The Eagles
4.) The Doors
5.) Creedence Clearwater Revival
6.) CSN (and sometimes Y) -- that's Crosby Stills and Nash (and Young) for you whippersnappers
7.) The Rolling Stones
8.) Santana
Feel free to disagree with me. I'll have to disown you, but I'm sure I'll survive.
(P.S. Special thanks to Rush, who did more for my music education than repeated viewings of every VH1's Behind the Music ever could. But I didn't need to know that thing about the shark.)